This is an 8 page zine made using Processing & EZM, it's titled "the evolution of wordvomit" and is about how the creative process makes me feel, especially when im using code to make art; the front page of the zine has the title and some words scattered around- like how i feel when i initially get an idea- it's just a jumble of words and figures in my head; gradually, these words become more ordered- they're lesser and lesser scattered; gradually on the words come together to form the remnant of a circle...then they turn into concentric circles [like how I run multiple iterations of the same loop again and again]...and suddenly an eureka moment happens! on the 6th page, all these words condense into a tight ball which bursts into a fractal on the next page! the zine ends there. the last page is a void - a blank, grey page with "a zine by hetvi" written in its lower half (or..the last page is my brain, waiting for another idea to strike..before the zine begins all over again)

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